Sons for Girls and Women Campaign

Sons for Girls and Women

There are several obstacles that adolescent females must overcome, which may harm their ability to finish school or their reproductive and sexual health, Girls' lack of access to sanitary goods or embarrassment about menstruation might compound these difficulties. This initiative is intended to determine whether giving Eldoret higher education girls access to sanitary products and sex education might help to reduce the severity of these issues.

Case Study

Kenyan adolescents who may not be able to purchase or otherwise get condoms are the focus of the government's free distribution of male condoms

, which aims to limit the spread of HIV and address the issue of unwanted pregnancy in the country. More than that, the Kenyan Ministry of Health has actively promoted the implementation of the National Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health policy across all care settings in coordination with policymakers and civil society groups

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Adolescent girls' lack of access to adequate reproductive healthcare in Kenya is a serious public health concern that needs further attention. This research attempts to fill this void by examining the needs of teenage girls in Kenya by interviewing them and analyzing qualitative data from the White Ribbon Alliance's What Women Want survey. This secondary study of qualitative surveys and interviews is meant to add to the existing body of knowledge by examining how teenage girls understand excellent reproductive health and what can be done to improve their care

More and more research shows that providing comprehensive reproductive health care to adolescents is associated with better health-seeking behaviors, higher rates of birth control use, and better overall health outcomes. Pregnancy, menstruation, and sanitation are only tangentially addressed in other research, suggesting a lack of coordination and poor policy implementation. Adolescents and young adults are not considered credible sources; therefore, school-based initiatives to improve menstrual health hygiene have not been widely embraced. Nevertheless, they are the most critical players in their health.

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Sharing Our Faith & Love To Children

Periods should never hold anyone back. You can make a difference by donating to our menstrual pads campaign and help us break down barriers to education, work, and social opportunities.

With your support, we can provide menstrual pads to those who need them and empower people around the world to manage their periods with confidence and dignity. Join us today in creating a world where periods are never a barrier to success

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Raised: $1,000

Goal: $3,500

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More about us

We envision a future where menstruation is accepted without shame and all women and girls have access to quality menstrual hygiene products at accessible prices.
Our goal is to enhance the quality of life for women and girls all over the world by increasing their access to safe, inexpensive menstrual hygiene products and by educating them on the importance of these products. Our mission is to educate the public about the value of menstrual hygiene and health practices and to lessen the shame that people often feel while discussing their periods. Every woman and girl should be able to handle her period in private and with respect, and we're working hard to make that a reality via our many campaigns and projects.

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1.We Come To Serve

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2.Church Belief

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"Menstruation is a vital sign of a woman's health."

Menstrual hygiene

In this blog post, we'll look at the consequences of unsanitary menstruation in African girls and why it's so important to address this issue.

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Sons for Girls and Women

the lack of access to sanitary towels also has significant social and economic implications for women and girls in Kenya. Girls who cannot afford sanitary towels are often forced to miss school

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Period Poverty

Consequently, some resort to using rags, mattresses, and fragments of cloth to stanch their bleeding because conventional sanitary pads are excessively costly,

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